Calla Lilies: useful information for cultivating a flower that symbolizes elegance

It is difficult to say which is the most elegant, beautiful flower of all, but probably Calla Lilies would end up on the short list: even their name in the nomenclature of flowers is that of nobility and refinement, and they are iconic as a symbol of strong friendship. They are native to South Africa and are a much-loved cut flowers, but they are also popular as a plant grown at home or in the garden - and they look great!
The name of the genus is Zantedeschia, and they have the particularity of not having a stem: all their foliage sprouts directly from the rhizome which is underground, and in reality what we call flower is none other than the spathe (the spather is a modified leaf that wraps around and protects the flower, i.e. the "pistil" that is in the center). They are quite easy plants to grow and are worth considering as a valid addition to your green corners.

The best known Call Lilies are the white ones but there are many different varieties and colors - even yellow and purple ones! As for their cultivation:
- Exposure and climate: they love humid and climates that do not get too cold. Therefore, where there are harsh winters, they can be cultivated by taking care to remove the rhizome from the earth in autumn (as is done with dahlias or begonias), kept it in a dark and dry place during the winter, and then replanted in the spring. They also love the light, but should not be exposed to direct sunlight.
- Irrigation: watering must be constant and abundant in the period in which they produce leaves and flowers, but when the leaves begin to wither, the frequency of watering can be greatly reduced.
- Soil: the soil must be light and well-draining, but rich in organic matter.
- Fertilizer: you can give them fertilizer when the flowers appear, with a preference shown for using liquid fertilizers.
If you want to grow them in pots, consider using large and deep ones, and avoiding putting the rhizomes on the edges, (where they would not be able to get enough water).
Both those planted the ground outside and in pots must be cleaned of any withered leaves regularly, which could carry diseases.
There are different varieties of colors and sizes, so it is nice to create mixed compositions, as well as enjoying the purity of the many white flowers among their large leaves. Would you like to grow Calla Lilies?