Use plants indoors to set up lovely, green corners

Plants are among our best allies for furnishing a house: seeing green in the home is definitely beneficial for our mood, productivity, even our health, and moreover, taking care of them is therapeutic. It does not hurt, then, that with all their shapes and colors, as well as the ways in which they can be placed at home (hung, placed on various furniture and supports, ...) they are a design element that should never be overlooked or underestimated.
So, if you already have a few pots at home or are planning to make some plant purchases, consider the best corners in which to create a small indoor green oasis. You can be inspired by the ideas below!
The plants will decide ... at least in part! In fact, we need to take into account their posture and the need for space and you will discover the best way to organize the space: wall supports, shelves and high stools for those whose foliage droops downwards, lower pot holders for those that create a wide crown or that grow higher.
Stools, tables, chairs, shelves, open-faced furniture: you can really use anything to create an oasis in your home.
And certainly coordinating the material or colors of the pots that contain the plants helps to create an aesthetic uniformity that benefits the overall decor of the room - but sometimes one can still be distracted by the thousand shapes and colors of the leaves or flowers, and then the vases themselves can be made the focus - it's simply a matter of taste!
The important thing, of course, is that the plants are in an area of the house where they get the necessary amount of light. Then also take into account their various needs regarding temperatures, humidity and protection from drafts.
Some species, especially among the succulents, are real, living sculptures perfectly compatible with those who love a minimalist decor.
What if a drooping plant defies gravity? Use a stand mounted up high to pull up the fronds!
And why not use plants to decorate the corners angles of the walls in a room!
If you have no idea which pot holder to use, you cannot go wrong with wooden logs. Depending on whether they still have their bark or not, or whether they are painted or not, they will adapt to many various styles of decor.
Old trunks and branches with fascinating shapes can enrich a green corner, where previously there were few vases, and they create a captivating composition.
And with open-faced furniture (like a book rack) you can create indoor, vertical gardens!
And if there is no space in the house or it is too dark, there is always the balcony!
How do you prefer to decorate your green corners at home?