Is your wardrobe a mess of stuffed-in clothes? Try tidying it up with this TikTokker's 4-step method

There are people who are instinctively capable of tidying up with every gesture they make - people like these are capable of keeping their wardrobes falling into a realm of chaos. And then there are those who simply stuff clothes unceremoniously into a wardrobe, which soon becomes a confused mess of tangled garments. If you belong to the second category, you may find a simple and easy method to restore order to your closets.
It's all a matter of selecting and categorizing the garments to take account your needs. Allison Bornstein also explains this in her TikTok video, indicating the four-step method she uses. Read on to find out more:

What Allison Bornstein proposes is a specific selection process which consists of the garments being subdivided into groups that reflect the real needs and seasonal habits of the wearer rather than an arrangement of clothes from a purely aesthetic point of view. So you ask yourself "what do I frequently wear and should be kept readily at hand?" instead of looking for a color-coordinated layout that is attractive to the eye.
Here is a summary of what the TikToker suggests:
- 1. Remove from the wardrobe (or from the laundry) all the clothes you wear every day in the current period / season. Attention: it is important that you are honest with yourself - they don't have to be your favorites, but the ones you really use every day, including old overalls to stay at home in! Arrange all these garments on a table, clothes rail or the bed, so you can look over them all at a glance.
- 2. Look at what's left in the closet: are there things you never wear at all? Do you forget when the last time you wore them was? Then maybe it's time to get rid of them (or put them into storage).
- 3. What should you do with the clothes that you never / rarely wear? If they don't have (real!) sentimental value, consider selling or donating them. And those that may have some value, you can consider keeping them elsewhere, in the best way to preserve them according to their types and materials: maybe things like ski clothes, formal wear and everything you will certainly use, but only at rare times and occasions.
- 4. Again, if you realize that there are garments you would still like to wear, now is the time to think about how to reintegrate them into your current style. Maybe it's a matter of changing combinations or making other changes and improvements. They could also give a new look to the clothes you always use, but which now seemed boring and anonymous.
"Your wardrobe should feel like a shop you go to every time to buy an outfit": this is the analogy that @allisonbornstein6 gives to explain her "AB Closet Editing System"!
Here you will find the videos of each step of the procedure: 1, 2, 3 and 4. It could be an excellent starting point for tidying up your wardrobe, don't you think?