Using the pressure washer / hose to clean filthy objects: be amazed by these photos

Anyone who has a pressure washer / hose knows that it sometimes works like a kind of magic cleaning wand, restoring different surfaces to their original appearance, almost as if a spell had been cast on them. The way in which these appliances operate is simple: they give off a spray of water at very high pressure (they are also called pressure lances), and therefore are capable of blasting off dirt, cleaning away the film of filth created by the passage of time on floors, furniture, carpets and more.
Pressure hosing is therefore, a type of truly thorough cleaning, which however is best not to abuse: it is a know, in fact, that every time we pressure hose the surface of objects, it erodes them and can damage their finish. But when you have to clean some object or surface which has really become dirty over the years, it works like magic! Below you can see some examples:

One of the ways pressure hosing is used most often in house cleaning chores, is to restore the original appearance of plastic or resin furniture in the garden. Those blackish spots and the gray patina that ruins them is completely removed by pressure hosing. At the same time, however, the surface of the plastic becomes a little rougher in the process, so it is always good to follow this cleaning with a coat of paint or protective product suitable for the relevant material.

Can't stand that your terracotta, concrete and similar bricks of the external surface have got dirty? Often moss and lichens grow between the slabs, and not everyone likes to see nature invade these areas.

The pressure hosing can make them look like new again and also manages to remove the moss in the cracks. Always pay attention to water consumption, however!

The same applies to walls, especially those made of brick (not porous stones or similar) or concrete: they can be returned to their original color with pressure hosing.

On the body of the car it is good not to use the jet too closely to the vehicle (unless it is in a truly disastrous condition), but it helps to do a precision job when you want to wash the car properly.

Get rid of moss and lichens from wood too: make sure you do it on a hot and sunny day so that the wood doesn't swell from the humidity. And when the wood is perfectly dry, don't forget to treat it with protective finishes (stains and sealants).

Then there is a bunch of photos on the web that show the effects of this type of cleaning on carpets. It may not be the best method for highly prized carpets (like Persians), but it certainly it gives a lot of satisfaction to see how the dirt runs off them.

If you have a paved part of the garden that has been engulfed with soil (and after having removed the bulk with brooms and rakes), finish off with the pressure hose, like the example seen in this giant chessboard!

It is a bit useless to have a two-tone floor when you can't see the actual colors!

And even the external walls of a house can be radically transformed with these cleaning techniques!

While cleaning an old carpet, you might even draw shapes with water jet (just for fun)!
Do you like using pressure hoses for cleaning chores?