Have you ever heard of laundry stripping? Find out how to get all the dirt out of your clothes

On TikTok the so-called "laundry stripping" (literally "stripping clean the laundry") is very popular. This is the practice of thoroughly cleaning laundry and it is incredible. This is usually done with household linen or work clothes of all colors, and each time the videos show the water in which the various garments are soaked after hours of treatment - and it is always completely filthy.
The process is quite aggressive, so it is best not to try this with delicate garments. In any case, it is to be considered a sort of intense pre-wash, and before continuing with a normal wash cycle in the washing machine. The cycle however, can be decidedly more delicate than usual, since it only has to remove the residue of the products already used for the stripping process.

In the video that we describe for you below, the woman is shown doing laundry stripping with the work clothes of her partner who is a mechanic.
The TikTok video in question shows us a process which is similar to those which can be seen in similar videos:
- You fill a bathtub with hot water (you could also try this in a very large basin).
- The cleaning products are poured: in this case, in the first of two rounds of "stripping", the woman uses two capsules of laundry detergent (single-dose ones) and a couple of scoops of active oxygen stain remover powder.
- All of this is stirred around with a stick (or broom handle).
- You put the clothes in the water to soak, and again stir them around in the soapy water.
- Now you wait. There are those who wait only a couple of hours and those who wait overnight. The water usually turns brown after just a few minutes. Eventually, you typically find yourself with a lot of dark residue / sludge at the bottom of the bathtub.
In this case (shown in the video), the same garments were also soaked for a second time with borax and more active oxygen stain remover. It may be superfluous to do a second round, as you will be washing the clothes in the washing machine.
As a tip, it is generally better to use a small amounts of the cleaning products and keep the garments soaking for longer: using too much detergent clogs the fibers of the fabrics, which then must be washed away (using a little bit of vinegar, according to many), and it is certainly not an environmentally friendly practice.
Have you ever tried this?