Make artificial flowers look bigger and smell great with these simple tips

Fresh flowers or artificial flowers? It is a matter of taste, but also of practicality. There are those who do not like the idea of decorating the house with fresh flowers that are already cut and that will only wither and die later; then there are those who do not appreciate the look of artificial flowers and which do not even give off a pleasant scent (like real plants).
If the problem with artificial flowers is that they do not look real, this objection can be easily addressed: once you have invested a little time to find artificial flowers that do look realistic and well made, you can do a lot with them. And even artificial flowers can be made to be fragrant! Read on to find out some TikTok tips on doing this:
Sculpting the petals

Sometimes it happens that fake flowers have petals that are a little too closed up, like those of a plant that has not yet blossomed properly. Trying to open them with your hands just doesn't work, but there is a simple trick that helps to shape them so that they remain wide open, and sometimes they become much more beautiful to look at in this way.
An account on TikTok, @nottheworstcleaner, also shows this and it's one of her favorite tricks to use around the house: it all consists of taking a hair dryer and pointing it in the direction of the flower. Do not stand too close to the flower with the nozzle of the appliance, nor just at one spot: do just like you do when drying your hair quickly, and move the hair dryer so that it just heats the flower (but doesn't burn or scorch it). After a few seconds, shape the petals with your hands to open them and quickly go over it again with the hair dryer. They will look totally different now!
Scenting the flower

Better than perfume diffusers, use artificial flowers! Since we keep them around to decorate the house, why not use them to also perfume the environment in a subtle way? There are several ways to do this, and you also see a couple of these on a TikTokker's, @squeakygemclean, account.
- With a do-it-yourself spray: in a spray bottle pour in a bit of water (better if it is distilled, but normal tap water will be fine too) and then just a cap of a scented product that you like. The video uses a concentrated disinfectant with essential oils, but there are those who also use a drop of fabric softener for the laundry. You could obviously also use a few drops of one or more essential oils, of your choice. Spray from time to time on the flowers, perhaps immediately after dusting them off with a vacuum cleaner, to enjoy a fresh and clean scent around the home at all times.
- With fabric softener sheets: Even these have a pleasant scent, which makes the house feel even fresher and cleaner. Put one (or even more than one, if they have already been used in the dryer but still have a little perfume left) inside the vase - after all, artificial flowers don't need water!
These are very simple tips, but they are worth taking advantage of!