Useful tips to save money: discover some tips that can help you control your expenses

Keeping an eye on one's monthly budget is something we all do, and for each of us it can mean making greater or lesser sacrifices. In fact, economizing is a goal that can be achieved by taking a series of standard steps, learning to avoid unnecessary waste and investing in purchases that last longer, and without spending money too often.
In many areas of life you can, in fact, take all kinds of precautions, but sometimes some tips and pointers from others can be helpful. In this regard, it occurred to a Reddit user to ask what money-saving tips and tricks other people had discovered and that had proved to be really effective for them: the experiences told by these users can be useful to everyone. Read on to discover what some of these were:
Cut in half the sponges which you use wash the dishes and wipe down the various surfaces of the home: as Lopsidedlopside says in the post on Reddit, "there is nothing that a whole sponge can do that is not possible to do with using just a half". This effectively doubles the life of these products. And by sanitizing them often, the halves also last longer.
You can also use the whole sponge to wash the dishes and when it starts to wear out, cut it in half to get two sponges which can then be used to take care of other household chores.
Dyeing old clothes black: if they are still in good condition and are only showing a bit of fading, dyeing them a nice, deep black will make them look like new again, camouflaging many signs of wear and tear (and fading).

Saving money on breakfast but without sacrificing taste and health benefits? Why not integrate oats porridge into your diet? Oats are cheap and super nutritious, and also come in handy for beauty remedies for the body and hair. Porridge can be sweet or salty, hot or cold ... in short, it adapts to all seasons!

Splitting up the budget: We are all familiar with this advice, but in the age of digital payments, it is not as easy as it used to be. However, the user "ss111" tells us that withdrawing money in cash to use during the week (or the month) was very useful. Specifically, this person uses letter envelopes, one for each recurring expense. So from time to time, he decides what to use the money he has saved for: "Do I want to spend the money saved on a single take-away meal or to stock up on food that will last me for two weeks?".

Wear clothes suitable for the season: nowadays, the comforts of life make us forget that winter is cold (even at home) and summer is hot. So, in winter, if you wear light clothes, the heaters are kept on much more than necessary. Similarly, in the summer, if you wear clothes that are too heavy, you might find yourself overusing the air conditioning. Moderating the use of the temperature control systems does good things for your wallet and the environment.

And what about compulsive online shopping? This can happen to anyone, especially for items that are thought to be cheap or a real bargain. But the advice of artlessdodger10 can help us: "Put the items in the virtual shopping cart. Leave them there. Think about them for a few days. Usually the spasmodic urge to buy passes, and then you will realize that you didn't really need the items and that it was something else - boredom, insidious marketing, etc " - that caused the buying impulse.

To avoid wasting water in the shower, ReadingReddit9898 advises: "We keep two 5-liter bottles next to the shower, and let them fill up when we turn on the shower and are waiting for it to warm up. Then we use the water to wash the floors or to water the plants. It has effectively reduced our bills and helps to save water ".

Using the clothes dryer less often: air drying clothes "stresses" them less, and fabrics last longer. And, of course, it saves on electricity bills
What are your most tried and trusted tips to avoid unnecessary expenses?