Do you want to determine if your pillows need to be changed? This woman reveals a useful tip on TikTok

We sleep on pillows every night, and this makes them a major breeding ground for dirt and bacteria. In fact, sweat, skin oils, saliva, dust and perhaps residue of products used on the skin and even make-up, usually ends up on our pillow. Even by caring fo them in the best way possible, and using all the cleaning routines we know, there comes a time when hygiene dictates that we need replace our old pillows with new ones.
Depending on the type and various other factors, there are those who recommend changing pillows every 2 years (or even less). Some, however, wait for up to 3 or 5 years. So how best to determine when the time has come to buy new pillows? A TikTok user gave her answer to this question in a short video, demonstrating a very simple test to try at home. Read on to find out how this test is administered:

Video tutorial via @mama_mila_/TikTok
In the video from TikTok user @mama_mila_ , the woman proposes a really simple and, above all, very fast test:
- Take the pillow and place it flat on the bed.
- Fold it in half.
- Press down on the pillow to keep it pressed down in this position for 30 seconds.
What should happen?
- If when we release the pressure exerted by our hands, the pillow springs back to its original shape, it is still in good condition.
- If, on the other hand, it is slow to return to its' orginal shape, it means that it is time to change it for a new one.
The video, it should be emphasized, does not specify the type of pillow which this method works for, but in the comments @mama_mila_ clarifies: "This test works on synthetic pillows, while those made with feathers last much longer and lose their consistency much later (in about 5- 10 years)".
Pillows, however, should be washed regularly: on average it is preferable to do this every four months - but if you suffer from some respiratory disease or particular allergies, then do it every 2 months. Also, if you need to deodorize your pillow from time to time, you can sprinkle some baking soda on it and leave this on for an hour before vacuuming or brushing the baking soda off. Even a spray made from water, bicarbonate and a few drops of essential oil (lavender, eucalyptus, tea tree) helps to deodorize the pillow and envelops them in a scent that induces sleep.
If they are well maintained, pillows will last longer and, above all, will guarantee us a better sleep!