Do you have to deal with the change of season? Do this in the most efficient way possible

It happens to almost everyone, that at least a couple of times a year, we have to arm ourselves with a lot of patience and empty the drawers to deal with the change of season. It is a task that always takes several hours and requires effort, but it allows us to have the most suitable clothes, accessories and even household linen at hand for the months to come.
However, when there are many drawers and closets to sort out, and when it is generally not easy to find time for this extra chore (in addition to all the others that need doing in our lives), it is good to execute the task in the most efficient way possible: this means no loss of time, and getting satisfying results without struggling unnecessarily.

- When to do it: given that the boundaries between the seasons are increasingly erratic, it is difficult to determine the right moment before the arrival of significant heat or cold. Maybe it's best not to rush too much in spring or autumn, when the peaks or troughs of temperature are still erratic, and deal with this chore only when the temperatures have stabilized and are consistently hot or cold.
- Free up beds, tables and shelves: you should start by emptying everything out of the clothes storage areas (drawers, wardrobes, etc), especially if there are no parts in a wardrobe in which you can keep "wild card" clothes (i.e. those you use all year round). Try to do this gradually: instead of loading yourself down with armfuls of the contents of the wardrobes and drawers, take advantage of this moment to gradually create ordered groups on the bed, reviewing every single item. It will be easier to store them later and will save time.
- Keep boxes and bags ready for sorting out garments to throw away or give away: before putting clothes back in the closet or storing them in some other part of the house, pay attention to everything you have not worn in the last year (or choose whatever selection criterion you prefer). If there are things you can do without, donate them (if they are in good condition). If they are too worn out, and cannot even be creatively recovered, throw them out. If, on the other hand, there are objects that you never use but that you care a lot about, it is best to remove them and keep them where they will not create clutter.
- Clean the closet thoroughly: there are many products and methods suitable for this. At this stage, you will also need to change any scented bags or other remedies you use to prevent moths and mold.
- While the closet dries out and airs (with the doors wide open), go and retrieve the clothes and garments you will need for the upcoming season (if you were storing them elsewhere, like in the loft). Then empty these storage containers / furniture and put everything neatly on the bed, separate from those which you have arranged beforehand.
- If necessary, also clean the closets and containers into which you will put the clothes of the previous season.
- Start filling the wardrobes and drawers that you will use in the months to come with the selected clothes: always make sure to put the garments and accessories you use less often at the back (or higher), and keep the ones you frequently wear ready at the front (or lower).
- Everything that has come through the sorting process and that belongs to the past season, should end up in the storage closets or special containers, waiting for the next change of season.
It is also useful, if there is space, to use a part of the wardrobe to hold clothes that can be used all year round, such as jeans, hats, beloved t-shirts (even worn in the winter) and similar items: this will make it even easier and faster make the various change-of-season transitions.
Again, take advantage of these moments to make a list of furnishing accessories that you can buy to help you get the most tidy wardrobe possible: various types of hangers, baskets, boxes, cases for all sorts of objects to hang up or put on the shelves, dividers for the shelves and drawers ... there are many gadgets and gizmos that can help us!
And don't forget to turn on some music, or maybe even an interesting podcast while you are doing this chore - it will make the task more fun and pass the time quicker.