When DIY makes life easier: discover some tips that could come in handy

Knowing the right solution that allows us to solve a small setback may seem like a trivial matter, and when it happens that we have to deal with something that no longer works, is missing, or that needs to be fixed and you know the fastest, cheapest and efficient way to solve the problem, this knowledge certainly helps out our day.
Doing small repairs or some tips to avoid spending extra money on purchases that seemed unavoidable or that were put off for a while: below you will find some useful ideas that you may not have found out about yet:
If you have plants all around the home, there is no need to buy watering cans to keep at the ready for use in every room - you can help yourself by transforming any large, sturdy plastic bottle: just drill multiple holes on the lid. Detergent bottles are useful, and even certain milk or plastic fruit juice bottles - but always remember to wash them out thoroughly before converting them into watering cans.
Has someone defaced the walls with crayon scribblings? A little baking soda on a damp sponge, a light rubbing, and they will disappear.
To tidy up dishes, pans and pot lids - or even food containers - you can put down perforated panels, insert round, wooden dowels in the holes at appropriate intervals and put everything back into the bottom of drawers or into kitchen cabinets.
Corks become ready-to-use candles if you keep them immersed in alcohol for 48 hours (or even up to a week) before lighting them.
If you want to change the layout of the flowering plants in the garden frequently, or if you want to use plants in the flower beds that are then placed indoors during the winter: dig holes, put in a pot larger than the one containing the plant into the hole and keep it empty and ready to bed down any plant you want to relocate / swap out.
Use magnetic strips or even simple magnets inside the bathroom cabinet doors to hold small metal accessories such as scissors, tweezers or hairpins.
If you want to avoid accidents with the laundry when some of the the clothes should not be put in the dryer, you can use the surface of the appliance as a whiteboard, and with the appropriate (temporary) markers, leave messages for anyone who helps you with the laundry chores around the house.
Keeping the PC screen raised and the keyboard tilted makes it much more comfortable to work on the computer: you can create these supports using DIY projects and some creative recycling.
To make any carpet in your home softer and more comfortable - like it is an expensive luxury one - put a padding cutout (smaller than the carpet) under it.
If your wardrobe hanger rod seems to be wobbling and doesn't sit properly at the ends, you can attach plastic water bottle caps to the ends to lengthen the rod and take up the slack tension.
A cheap, plastic cereal box becomes a very handy container for the car.
If you need a support to put a roll of garbage bags in the kitchen (or even for various other rolls of paper) - you can use the pipes - even those under the sink.
What are your favorite DIY tips and tricks?