Do socks keep disappearing in the wash? Try to prevent this with some useful tips

by Mark Bennett

May 22, 2022

Do socks keep disappearing in the wash? Try to prevent this with some useful tips

We have all found ourselves at least once inspecting the laundry we took out of the washing machine or dryer and wondering where the companion of the sock is that appears to have simply disappeared. Missing socks is, in fact, a mystery that almost everyone has to deal with every now and then.

Whether it is carelessness rather than an extraordinary, supernatural ability of washing machines to eat them (or make other garments disappear), it does not matter: the fact is that socks do disappear and this happens very often. And, if by any chance this happens to us more often than we would like, then we can try to help ourselves by using some excellent tips. Read on to find out more:



Keep the socks together in pairs in the laundry basket

The first step is to avoid putting socks into the laundry basket separately. Maybe you happen to see one on the ground and think about looking for the other one at a later time, but it slips from your mind. So it is always better to have a bag or basket ready to keep these single strays in. This is useful as the matching, missing companion will most likely pop out as soon as we make the bed, put on a pair of shoes or move some object.

Additionally, next to the laundry basket, we should keep a basket or bag full of clips or safety pins, so that when we finally put the pair of socks in the wash, we can join them together with one of these clips (or something similar) and avoid separating them and them ending up in different washing loads (and starting them down the road to becoming lost).

During washing

For washing, it is better to try to prevent your socks from escaping into another dimension and to secure them within a mesh washing bag, such as those used for delicate garments. In this way,  they will not wander around the drum, and they will not risk becoming hidden inside some other garment that they are washed with (like a duvet cover).

After washing

If you lay them out to dry, you can go back to using clips or safety pins, (and even clothes pegs), to keep them together. In the dryer, the mesh bag may come in handy again if there are no more than one or two pairs inside the bag.

When the time comes to put away your clean socks, you can roll them together, or use dividers for drawers or even clips or safety pins to prevent them from becoming seperated again.

In short, if you can be attentive to all these steps, it will be difficult for you to lose your socks (unless your washing machine is truly possessed by a sock-eating demon)!
