Is your doormat stained with dog or cat urine and stinks? Make bad smells disappear using a simple remedy

It may happen that our pet dog or cat decides that the best place to relieve themselves is on the doormat at the entrance of the house, or on one of the mats we use outside. It's not that uncommon, and sometimes if it's not one of the pets' fault, it could be some other stray animal that decides to leave a little present for us right there.
Unfortunately, even more than a just making a stain, is the accompanying smell of urine that just cannot be tolerated. So, what do we do to properly wash the doormat and make it as good as new again? You can use this simple method - which is also illustrated in a TikTok video from the @vanesamaro91 account. Read on to find out more:

Video tutorial via @vanesamaro91/TikTok
In the TikTok video we see that the woman who is doing the cleaning uses a couple of products: a stain remover specifically made to treat pet urine and then also some laundry washing powder. If you don't have the first product to hand, you can also use a multi-purpose degreaser for the home - perhaps one without bleach which could risk discoloring the mat. In any case, always try it on a corner of the mat first to see if it causes any damage.
In addition to these two products, you will need an outdoor broom (the ones with very rigid bristles) and plenty of water. It is best to do this cleaning work near the garden hose, where there is no risk of getting soap onto the plants or onto the lawn.
Proceed as follows:
Spray the anti-urine product on the stained area abundantly.
Wet the area a little with the hose.
Scrub the mat with the broom and rinse off.
Sprinkle a couple of scoops of the powdered laundry soap over the mat.
Wet it again a little more, using the hose.
Scrub vigorously and rinse again, alternating these two actions until all the soap has been washed away.
Let the mat dry thoroughly and put it back to where it was before.
This is really very simple and you will no longer be able to detect any unpleasant odors. However, if it is a problem you have to deal with often, perhaps it will be worth trying products that act as repellants for dogs and cats, to be sprayed on the mat periodically to avoid having to wash it too often.
Do you have any favorite methods for cleaning your doormats at home?