Do you want to get rid of weeds from your lawn without using chemicals? Try sugar!

An English lawn - the perfectly manicured lawn that makes you think of green and uniform golf course carpets - is the result of constant work: in fact, it is not simply a case of cutting it to the right height with good regularity; nor is it the result of watering it frequently. There are other actions that must be taken, such as aeration and scarification and then obviously the removal of wild grasses (which we call weeds) that threaten to compromise the uniformity of the lawn.
If from an environmental point of view, lawns of this type are completely artificial and not very friendly for biodiversity. Despite this, there is no doubt that they have an appearance that appeals to most. So, how can we get rid of the most common weeds that threaten to ruin the aesthetics of our beautiful green lawns? A simple method, which is not harmful to the soil, is to use sugar.
via gardeningknowhow

Sugar is a compound that does not contain nitrogen, which is one of the fundamental elements for plant growth. In particular, nitrogen is the chemical that promotes the development of leaf growth and helps the plant to assimilate other nutrients. Pouring sugar on weeds therefore, limits their growth, since the microorganisms in the soil will be forced to take all the nitrogen from the soil itself, essentially stealing it from the plant.
The method works mainly on plants that have very large leaves, or are annuals. Certain types of herbs and perennials resist this "assault" better than others.
How deploy the sugar:
Take about 250 grams of sugar and sprinkle it all around the base of the weed you want to eliminate. Make sure not to spread it around the surrounding area as well, as it will damage other plants as well as the weed. You will need to create a thick layering only around the weed's stalk (where it enters the ground). After a couple of days, go back to check the plant: if you don't notice any significant changes, put down a little more sugar.
The best time to do this is in spring, when the weeds you want to eliminate are still young. Molasses dissolved in water can also be used - this can be sprayed on the plants without being too excessive and lightly watering immediately afterwards.
Have you ever tried this remedy?