Too many ants around the house? Some plants can help you keep them away

How many times do you happen to notice a long column of ants marching around the garden? As soon as the temperatures rise, we see the return of many insects to our gardens. In and of themselves, ants are not necessarily a pest and are not harmful creatures, but when there are many nests close to the house, it is not too far-fetched to fear that they might find a way to get into our food supplies.
To keep them away, chemical repellents can be used. However, these can be harmful not only to the environment but also for our health (especially children) and to our pets. There are also natural products, but with lower effectiveness - especially over time. Alternatively, one could also rely on some plants that are not liked by these insects to act as a repellent. The most famous of these are laurel, lavender, catnip, lemongrass and pyrethrum. But there are also other plants to consider for the flower beds and planters that surround the house, such as the ones we describe below:

Rue (Ruta graveolens) is an aromatic herb that "grows in the wild", and, in fact, arise spontaneously in many areas: This plant fears neither cold nor heat. They are certainly not beautiful-looking plants like many others, but in a bunch together with other prominent herbaceous plants, it can become an attractive feature.
It is also edible: the fresh leaves are used to flavor salads, meat or fish; and it is also often the main ingredient in liqueurs such as grappa and digestive bitters.

Yarrow (Achillea millefolium) - also known as bloodwort, carpenter's weed, devil's nettle, nosebleed or old man's pepper - is a plant with many healing properties and easy to grow. It grows well even in poor soils, as long as there is no water stagnation. It also tolerates high temperatures and short periods of drought.
The variety that also grows in the wild has white flowers, but there are cultivars who offer Yarrow with yellow, pink and red flowers. In addition, it has a prolonged flowering period, which is why it is often used in the design of colorful flower beds.

Wormwood (Artemisia absinthium) is another plant that can be useful in repelling insects such as ants. It is a thick shrub, with very attractive silvery and fluffy leaves. All summer long, it produces small yellow flowers. Used in the preparation of many alcoholic beverages, its name is associated with many fascinating folk beliefs. It needs full exposure to the sun, but is tolerant of poor soil and infrequent watering.
You could also consider planting Monarda (beesbalm), the Moro degli Osagi (Osage orange), sage and rosemary: they are not only beautiful, but also useful in these cases!