5 simple and practical tips to learn and use in everyday life

The life hacks category - those tricks and tips that provide brilliant and unexpected solutions to everyday life problems and situations that we often face in a unique way (or end up tolerating), sometimes hold useful information and amusing surprises.
There are cases in which these hacks give us the solution to clean something much faster and effectively; at other times they are simply gimmicks to have a little laugh about. Here are five that are worth described below:
When you notice that one of the buttons on some shirt could pop off, (or even as a precaution if you want to completely avoid finding yourself without a button on some item of clothing), you can take action in a simple way: in fact, just use a drop of transparent enamel (like nail varnish) to seal the thread on the button (almost as if you were gluing it to the shirt).
Does it bother you to have home mirrors and chrome-plated metal surfaces fogging up all the time? To always have them bright, shiny and clear, you can use a tip that not everyone knows about: use shaving cream. It is a surfactant product capable of preventing water molecules from adhering to the glass. Be careful to spread only a very light film on the glass, using a soft, lint-free cloth, and continue to rub the surface gently until the glass itself becomes transparent and reflective again.
If you use this method for the mirror in a bathroom where a lot of condensation occurs due to humidity, you are still likely to notice trickles of water on the glass from time to time: you just have to wash the mirror and repeat the process more often.

Did you know you can use a fun trick to make your toilet paper look luxurious? This is a gimmick that in reality is nothing more than a variant of another trick which is more well known.
Online, in fact, you will find advice to "seal" the first flap of toilet paper of a roll so that it has a pointed shape and remains attached to the roll itself as if there were an invisible seal. This seal is created by pressing the point of the roll on the mouth of a still slightly damp sink tap.
But if you want a luxury seal, you can use the cap from some lipstick or nail polish that bears the logo of your favorite brand in relief, and you can also imprint this on the toilet paper!
If you want to avoid dusting the upper side of some pieces of furniture which are hard to reach (like the top of a fridge), just cover them with newspaper or some other paper, and simply change them from time to time.
One of the most annoying spots in the house to clean are the window sills, where a lot of dirt lurks and sometimes not even the vacuum cleaner is as successful as we would like.
Among the different methods you can try to clean these crevices is by using a knife. After removing the bulk of the dirt, sprinkle the area with baking soda and then pour in a white vinegar flush - without flooding everything but only just enough to cause the effervescent reaction. As soon as this reaction ends, scrub with an old toothbrush and then take a knife with a round tip, wrap it in a microfibre cloth (perhaps holding it in place with an elastic band on the handle) and use this DIY "scraper" to thoroughly clean the whole sill around the window frame.