Remove tartar stains from the toilet with simple DIY remedies

Certainly the most important item to focus on when cleaning the bathroom is the toilet: however shiny the other surfaces may be, having a toilet that leaves something to be desired, undercuts the efforts wed made in cleaning the rest of the bathroom. When it comes to limescale and tartar stains - which are generated due to the deposit of minerals carried by the water in the house's plumbing system - a quick cleaning is not enough. Sometimes it is necessary to apply a more thorough cleaning method.
To do this, you can use things that we generally have in the kitchen - to prepare cheap, but effective home-made remedies and without immediately resorting to commercial chemicals. Here are some of them.

Apple cider vinegar and lemon juice
This is a natural remedy that smells great. You will need half a cup of apple cider vinegar and the juice of a lemon: these must be mixed together in a bowl and then, with the help of a slightly abrasive sponge (in the most serious cases, you can use fine steel wool - but only on stubborn deposits), scrub the surface of the toilet and leave the residue of the solution on the surfaces. Let it act for about ten minutes and then rinse off. Doing this once a week is usually more than enough to keep the yellowish stains at bay.
White vinegar and cooking salt
For this remedy you will need two cups of vinegar (about half a liter), which you then pour into a steel pot and bring almost to a boil. In fact, when it heats up, the vinegar becomes even more effective. Be sure to ventilate the room while heating the vinegar and avoid breathing in the fumes as much as possible. Once hot, turn off the heat and dissolve half a glass of table salt into it. Then pour it all into the toilet and scrub the surfaces (walls) with a brush. Leave it on for half an hour before rinsing it away completely.
When these methods (or even the one using Coke [which is poured into the toilet bowl and left to act overnight]) do not work, you can try using fine-grained sandpaper, rubbing it directly on the dirt deposits. You will first have to close the water main and empty the toilet, only sanding the stains when everything is dry.
Do you have a favorite method for removing tough toilet stains?