Heat pizza with water and peel garlic in the microwave: some unusual tricks to try in the kitchen

It is very true that you never stop learning, and sometimes the web really shows us some fun and useful information and tips. This is often the case with tips to ingeniously solve some small, daily annoyances and mishaps - especially those that happen in the kitchen - and there are all kinds of tips and tricks to be found online.
Some have been shown in a hilarious way by a TikTok user, @sidneyraz, who posts them and gets lots of reactions, ranging from followers being amazed to being shocked. From a way to peel garlic in one move, to a way to remove hard-boiled eggs from boiling water without any problem, take a look at some of these tips and tricks you may not know about:
via FOODbible, @sidneyraz/TikTok

FOODbible/Facebook, @sidneyraz/TikTok
If you have trouble getting hard-boiled eggs out of a pot of boiling water you cooked them in, use a whisk. It will obviously have to be quite a large in size, and it sufficent to simply press it lightly onto the egg to make the metal meshes widen and trap it (or even two!) inside the whisk.

Sidney also uses the whisk to take the flour from a bowl ... maybe a trick to use when we have poured out too much? Or this method can be used to take flour out the bag and put it in the bowl - if we are good at measuring everything by eye, of course.
Another tip: it seems that there is a trick using a wooden ladle placed sideways on a boiling pot that will prevent foam from spilling out of the pot - although we know that sometimes this method does not always work (especially if the heat is set to maximum).
Also, if you want to peel garlic cloves without stress - especially when there are many of them - you just have to remove the stalk with a knife and then put them in the microwave for a few seconds: they will come out with their skins lifting away.

If you are bothered by the flow of milk that comes out of the cartons in an irregular manner when you prepare your breakfast, you should know that you can take the internal ring pull cap that is removed when you first open the carton and insert it back into its housing. Amazingly, this cap will regulate the flow of the milk!

How often have we eaten popcorn prepared in the microwave and end up rummaging through the contents at the bottom of the bag to avoid picking up grains that haven't popped? Well, you can select only the "good" ones with a simple trick: as soon as you remove the bag from the microwave and if bag has an open slot on one side, use that opening to remove only the grains that have not popped by shaking the bag a little. And you might as well go ahead and pop these by themselves (inside a frying pan with lid on).

This experiment might make some people turn up their noses, but according to Sidney it works: if you don't like the dry consistency that sometimes happens to pizza heated up in the oven or - even worse - in the microwave, you can try putting it in a pan, add a drizzle of water (!) and then cover it with aluminum foil.

Open a pack of chips (crisps) so that it becomes a convenient and stable bowl: you will need to take it along its length, fold the two upper corners inside so that the whole side also fits, in then place that side on the table and open the package by cutting the opposite side (from end to end of the envelope), and voilà.
To see the details how these tricks work and discover many others, you can check out the videos in the links beneath the photos or go and see all the funny, useful content directly on @sidneyraz's profile page.