Do you want conserve onions in the fridge but without them smelling? Discover how to do it

Onions are a staple ingredient in a myriad of different recipes, so it's very likely that we always have a stock of them ready at home. They are vegetables that can be kept for long periods as long as they are in one piece, but what can we do with freshly cut ones?
Depending on the situation, you can take advantage of some simple tips to make cut onions last longer without them drying out or getting spoiled, so that you can use them for some dish in the future. In some cases, it is even possible to freeze onions that we do not intend to consume immediately. Read on to find out more:

- Whole Onions: Whole onions should not be kept in the refrigerator. In the case of fresh, small ones (like shallots), it is advisable to use them within a few days after purchase. Where should they be stored then? Pourous containers, such as baskets or, better still, string bags hung up in the kitchen or in an area used as a pantry will work well. However, it is better to keep them in a fairly sheltered but ventilated place. Obviously they must always be kept with their peel still on.
- When buying onions, make sure that they are still whole are very hard: if there are any soft spots, then they are already rotting.
- Sliced or chopped onions: you can seal them in an airtight bag or in an airtight refrigerator container and keep them in the refrigerator for between 5 to 7 days. In this way they will not dry out or fill the appliance compartment with their unmistakable, pungent odor.
- But if you realize that you won't be using sliced / chopped onions soon, you can also freeze them. We are referring only to those onions which already sliced up or chopped up. Whole onions, on the other hand, do not defrost very well - they lose their texture and become difficult to use. Take care to put the chopped onions in an airtight bag from which you will need to remove as much air as possible (even better if you can vacuum pack them).
With these tips, you can enjoy your onions for longer and without worrying about their flavor - and, above all, without having to throw away food unnecessarily.