Make your dishwasher sparkle by using baking soda and vinegar

The dishwasher relieves us of a lot of manual effort in the kitchen. It ensures a level of cleanliness, hygiene and shine on dishes, glasses, cutlery and pots that is difficult to attain by hand. But just like any other household appliance used for cleaning objects in the house, it too must be properly cleaned and perhaps deodorized from time to time, to ensure proper functioning and, therefore, also to get the best results when used.
Generally, we realize that the time has come to wash the dishwasher when we detect bad smells persist inside it after washing. Or the other signal is when we notice a film of dirt left on the dishes at the end of the washing cycle. To clean this appliance we can use natural ingredients such as baking soda and vinegar.

Gather up your cleaning products. You’ll need:
- White vinegar
- Sodium bicarbonate
- A toothpick
- An old toothbrush
- A microfiber cloth
- Rubber gloves
How to proceed:
- Disassemble and remove the washing racks and all the object holders: you have to completely clear out the internal compartment.
- Also remove the filter and soak everything (in a basin, the sink or the bathtub) in water to which you have added 130 ml of vinegar. These items will have to stay in the water solution for at least half an hour.
- With the cloth and the toothbrush (or the toothpick, if necessary), loosen and remove the bulk of the dirt deposits you can see in the dishwasher.
- Fill a dishwasher-safe bowl with 230ml of vinegar and place it in the bottom of the appliance.
- Start a washing cycle at a high temperature, so as to dissolve away all the remaining dirt and grime.
- Remove the bowl and sprinkle a cup of baking soda on the bottom of the dishwasher.
- Run a short wash cycle. This will serve to remove any bad smells.
- Finally, clean the external door: use a product suitable for the type of material it is made of or use a DIY one that you can prepare by mixing water with a little dish washing soap and half a glass of vinegar in a bowl. You need to pass this solution over the surface with the help of a soft cloth or sponge.
It's a process that takes some time ... but the dishwasher does pretty much everything else by itself!