Using just water is enough to wash wooden floors: find out how in this TikTok video

Soap water, lots of special products for parquet, or just water? There are various schools of thought regarding the best method and products for cleaning wooden floors, and there are also some DIY tips that are more popular. Among the many opinions that are expressed about this subject, there is also a TikTok account that shows enviable results obtained in a popular, viral video.
The woman seen at work in the clip tells of having only ever used water to wash her wooden floor in the last five years. In the house that is shown, she shows us how a flat, soft mop passes over the various areas of each room with a wooden floor. She does the whole house - bathroom and stairs included - leaving behind a truly sparkling floor.

As far as parquet is concerned, each manufacturer always provides instruction on the best methods and products for treating the floor. Much depends on the type of wood and the manner of installation - factors which, among other things, can greatly affect the value and cost of the floors themselves.
In any case, the golden rule is always to use very little water. In fact, the main and consistent, routine maintenance must be vacuuming every day with a vacuum cleaner equipped with the appropriate accessory or brooms suitable for these surfaces. This daily process removes the bulk of the dirt.
So, when it comes to washing the floor, two schools of thought are popular: 1) those who prefer only to use a few specific products - preferably sprayed on the cloth before passing it over the floor so as not to leave too much residue on the surface; and 2) those who use water (sometimes with a drop of Marseille soap). In this second case, it is always good to remember that very little water must be used: the parquet can be damaged significantly by too much water - especially those installed using the floating / supported technique. In fact, we must never think that using more water with soap helps to clean the wood any better.
As you can see in the TikTok video, you always need to wring out the cloth or mop very well before passing it over the wood surface, so that it does not leave puddles but is able to remove the dirt.
And if the time comes for a thorough cleaning - which is a more sporadic and more intense one - then you will need to use the most suitable products for the wood - but always making sure to use small doses so as to need to use as little water as possible!