Spring cleaning: find out how to refresh your mattress using DIY methods

Having a clean mattress helps us sleep better, so it is necessary to periodically clean it thoroughly. When the change of season arrives, it is the ideal opportunity to take care of this chore, since it is also the right time to turn the mattress over.
With a few ingredients and tools that we probably already have at home, we can take care of our mattresses in the best possible way. We can even remove stains, if necessary, and also deodorize them in a pleasant way. Read on to find out more:

- The first thing to do when cleaning the mattress is to vacuum up as much dirt as possible with a vacuum cleaner. Vacuum up hair, dead skin and any other debris so you can then proceed with the next steps and clearly see if there are any spots or stains that need to be specifically treated.
- Now comes the time to use baking soda: sprinkle a thin layer all over the mattress, and especially where you see any sweat stains. Use a soft bristle brush to distribute it over the mattress, then let it act for a few hours. After that, go back to using the vacuum cleaner to remove all the baking soda. This product will have worked against the dust mites, deodorizing the mattress as well.
- At this point it is necessary to intervene to clean any stains:
- If they are sweat stains, you can use half a liter of water with 2 tablespoons of baking soda, a tablespoon of Marseille soap and 20 drops of essential oil of your choice (lavender is particularly recommended, which helps one to relax; or use tea tree oil (which has antibacterial properties). Mix these well in a spray bottle and then spray the solution on a microfiber cloth, just to moisten it. With the cloth, you should dab the stain by rubbing it gently. Alternatively, you can also use 150 ml of water with 50 ml of vinegar, to be used in the same way.
- For blood stains, on the other hand, pour hydrogen peroxide over the stain and with a soft cloth slightly moistened with distilled water, rub the stain gently and to try to absorb all the hydrogen peroxide as it "dissolves" the blood. Repeat this several times, and if there are still stains that remain. You can try making a paste with water and baking soda for the same purpose (possibly also adding a few drops of vinegar - but for latex mattresses, it would be better to use very little of this). Wait until everything is dry before proceeding with other steps.
- If the mattress can be turned upside down (like standard ones or those that have a dedicated winter and summer sides), do it now. For other types of mattress, consult the manufacturers' instructions: some can only be rotated from head to toe; others should always remain in the same position.
- If you want, you can finally prepare a product with which to delicately perfume the mattress before making the bed. In a spray bottle, mix 250 ml of distilled water, 120 ml of white vinegar, 120 ml of denatured alcohol and 15 drops of essential oil (of your choice) and spray sparingly over the mattress.
Great job!