Shabby chic style for Easter? Find out about this popular trend for creating your Easter decorations

Easter decorations, such as those that are made following a particular theme for the various holidays, festivals and anniversaries, can be created in many different ways and according to our unique tastes. Their appearance, therefore, can be a perfect combination of symbolic elements that evoke the spirit of Easter and of details, materials and colors that are inspired by a particular aesthetic style - perhaps so they match our home furnishings and decor. And given this, they could be decorations created in the shabby chic style.
Recycled objects, lace, pastel colors, delicate flowers: these are just some of the essential aspects of this style of decoration, and you will find some examples of this to inspire you in the images below:
A nest cradled in an old ladle: newspaper strips - or any type of paper (preferably yellowed) - can be used to nestle the colourful eggs like they are in a real nest.
If you want to add flowers to a composition for displaying at home, you can put them inside old objects such as recycled kitchen utensils (old funnels, for example).

A pot with large fabric carrots inside: this will be very cute in the kitchen but also as a shabby chic table centerpiece.
Twigs, eggs, hens (or doves) made of ceramic or plaster, and more: many objects can be used to decorate a cake stand which has multiple layers.
And even a cake stand with a single, raised layer, is perfect for Easter decorations, such as a nest holding colored eggs.
Is your time limited? Crack the eggs so as to have the shell almost completely intact and put them in an egg carton with flowers inside them!
If you don't have a metal bird cage (a shabby chic "must have"), you can create a more rudimentary one using wire.
And the smaller cages they can become decorations to hang above the table - perhaps even with candles or strings of lights added to the middle and surrounded with flowers.
Pastel-colored fabric left-overs and matching colored eggs - a perfect choice for creating a shabby chic wreath.
And what about using a large nest instead of a wreath?
Alternatively, you can use multiple ceramic plates, preferably decorated with floral and classic motifs, arranged in a composition that resembles a large wreath!
Happy Easter to all!