Are you looking for ideas to decorate Easter eggs? You can do it in a flash with some old nail polish

Decorating eggs at Easter is a tradition in many countries, and one that has been handed down from generation to generation. Decorating Easter eggs conjures up memories of afternoons spent together with loved ones doing this task. Over time, we have come to invent an infinite number of ways to decorate Easter eggs - even fake ones (polystyrene, plastic and more) - but using the real eggs has always had a completely different charm.
If you are looking for a way to color eggs for Easter without wasting too much time doing it and still having fun, you can use nail polishes. With them, the eggs can be covered with a marbled effect that will have all the shades we want- just combine the various glazes we are available. It's a great idea to use old nail polishes that we don't use for our manicures anymore!

The method is really very simple: depending on whether you want to decorate all the eggs with the same colors or use different blends for each, you can decide to use single glasses or a larger basin. What you will need therefore is:
- A basin, bowl, or paper cups (a larger container is always more convenient, though)
- Water at room temperature (when it is too hot or cold the marbled effect does not come as well)
- Bottles of nail polish
- A toothpick
- Acetone to remove the nail polish from your hands afterwards
The process is really simple:
- Fill the bowl or glasses with water.
- Drop one or more drops of polish into the water, waiting for it to spread on the surface, creating a thin and colored film.
- Each time you add more nail polish (of the same color or different shades, as you like), put the drop in the center and wait for it to spread out before continuing.
- Alternatively, you can also use the larger surface of a pans to put drops in different places.
- If you like the "design" that the various colors create on the water, you can move on to the next step, otherwise take the toothpick and move it around a little between the various colors to create a marbled effect.
- Take the eggs and dip them in the water, and they will cover themselves with the colorful fantasy that the polishes have created on the surface of the water.
- Turn the eggs so that they are completely covered with enamel and then, with your fingertips, take them out of the water and put aside to let them dry.
When dry, they're ready to use as you like (for decorations or for an egg hunt, for example)!
Below, we show you how many ways you can color your eggs: with blends of similar shades, or with a single color of polish. Each time they will be different and unique!
Happy Easter!