What are the dirtiest objects in the house that we frequently forget to clean?

by Mark Bennett

April 04, 2022

What are the dirtiest objects in the house that we frequently forget to clean?

From the various surfaces of the bathroom to those of the kitchen, and without forgetting the floors of the house and the windows: every week we keep all these areas clean, and we also take care of some of them on almost a daily basis. But there are also a number of objects that we use every day but which we do not include in the usual cleaning routine. And perhaps we never even clean these items at all.

But these objects are receptacles for germs and bacteria, or they can host molds and harmful substances. Let's find out what these are:



  • The washing machine door seal: with each wash, the dirt removed from the laundry ends up not only in the filter but also a little gets between the rubber folds of the door seal. There, with residue water and the fact that it is a closed and isolated environment, the ideal conditions are created for the onset of mold. We must therefore remember to clean this area too, perhaps with a DIY spray based on water mixed with vinegar or baking soda, or with hydrogen peroxide and lemon juice, or even a few drops of bleach. Spray the solution into the seal, the drum and the tray, then wipe it off with a wet cloth and dry thoroughly.
  • Toothbrush holders: these containers come into contact with the water that drips off the toothbrushes themselves, as well as the humidity of the bathroom itself, and easily become a fertile ground for fungi and molds which then quickly come into contact with our body. A couple of times a week, therefore, remember to wash the toothbrush holders out with warm water and a disinfectant soap, or even hydrogen peroxide. You can even put the holder in the dishwasher!


  • Towel rails: Just like other bathroom surfaces, towel rails are always in contact with air and damp objects, and there is no lack of dust either. However, since not everyone can remember to clean them regularly, over time they become one of the dirtiest and most unsanitary objects in the house. Also for these, depending on the material they are made of, it would be a good idea to use cleaning products that sanitize, like using suitable soaps or hydrogen peroxide.
  • Knobs, handles and power switches: we touch these every day and they are a real breeding ground for germs and bacteria. So remember to clean these with disinfectant products or, even better, with a 60-70% alcohol solution. Always be careful: with switches, not to spray liquid products directly on them, but moisten a cloth and then wipe it carefully over the switch, so as not to let any liquid or humidity enter the gaps.


  • Remote controls: televisions, stereos and any other object that is remotely controlled by a control unit that is used every day, and by several different people. These remote controllers too will need to be cleaned of finger grease and dirt that forms between the keys, and they should also be disinfected. In this case, products with 60 or 70% alcohol are fine, best used when first sprayed on the cloth that we will then pass over the surface of the remote control itself, to avoid doing any damage.

Great job!
