Do you know these DIY tips for cleaning everyday items in the kitchen?

There are accessories and utensils that we use every day in the kitchen to prepare our meals, and they inevitably end up getting dirty. We cannot always act immediately to clean them, or they get so dirty that they are difficult to wash.
Depending on the type of utensil, however, you can perform a number of different cleaning methods which make use of those ingredients and products that are always good to keep around the home, such as vinegar, bicarbonate, hydrogen peroxide and more. Find out here how to use home-grown remedies to clean trays, microwaves, tea towels and other commonly used items in the kitchen without stress.
Tea towels

Get some Marseille soap and combine it alternately with:
- Dishwashing liquid and laundry soda: Dissolve two tablespoons of Marseille soap in boiling water in a large pot and then add a tablespoon of laundry soda and a teaspoon of dish washing soap. Put the tea towels into the water, stir them around and push them under the water. Leave them in until the pot cools. Then rinse out normally.
- Vinegar: as above, but using half a glass of vinegar together with the Marseille soap. Once the tea towels have been put in the pot, let them simmer over low heat for 15/20 minutes. Wait for everything to cool down and then rinse out thoroughly.
Baking trays and drip pans

Remove the bulk of the grime with a paper towel, then fill the sink with boiling water, pour 150 grams of baking soda into it and immerse the pan into the water. Let it stand for an hour iso that the encrusted grime deposits soften, and then remove them with a sponge.
As an alternative to baking soda, you can fill the sink (or even a sufficiently large basin) with boiling water and a cup of white vinegar.
As a second alternative, you can create a slightly abrasive rubbing paste using 60 grams of baking soda and hydrogen peroxide.
Deodorize the dustbin (garbage pail)

To wash the bin, and if you have a balcony or garden, it is better to do this with a hose with good pressure and then using degreasers or DIY products with vinegar or hydrogen peroxide. You can neutralize bad odors in various ways:
- Newspapers: newspaper is able to absorb odors and humidity, and can be used to line the bottom of the bin, and by changing it frequently (it must be disposed of with the organic waste).
- Baking soda or dry coffee grounds: sprinkle them on the bottom of the bin, or even in the middle of the organic waste to block the bad smells it can give off.
- Vinegar: mix with water in equal parts and spray it inside the bin. Wait a while for it to dry out before lining it with the bag and filling it with waste.
- Citric Acid: Dissolve a few tablespoons of this in a spray bottle filled with water and use it in the same way. It has a slightly more pleasant smell than vinegar.
- Garden lime: This is calcium carbonate, a powder used to acidify the soil and is sold in large sacks for outdoor use. If you use it, you can sprinkle some on the bottom of the garbage pail, using gloves.
Door of the dishwasher, washing machine or refrigerator

If the doors of these appliances get dirty, wash them using a soft cloth moistened with a solution of water and vinegar (one part of vinegar and two parts water) or water and lemon juice (in the same proportions). However, do it only when they are dirty or when you notice stains or bad smells: using acid products too often on the rubber seals can end up ruining them.

Just like the kitchen oven, the microwave also gets dirty with food splashes and all the greasy deposits caused by cooking vapors. And the more the cleaning is postponed, the more difficult these grime deposits become to remove.
To loosen the dirt from the walls you can use the bowl method: choose a bowl (or cup) that is suitable for using in the microwave and fill it alternately with:
- Lemon juice (with slices / squeezed lemons will work too)
- White vinegar
Activate the oven at maximum temperature for a couple of minutes. Wait about ten minutes at least and then, wearing gloves to avoid getting burned, rub the dirt off the surfaces with a sponge or soft cloth.
Great job!