Free your dishwasher from dirt and odors with these simple DIY methods

The dishwasher is one of the appliances that fills up with dirty objects every time we have to use it, and thanks to the water at high temperatures and effective detergents and additives, it gives us clean and shiny dishes - but in the long run the dirt can leave some residue which ends up causing bad smells.
In fact, this appliance itself also needs to be cleaned - just like the washing machine. So how do we do this? You must occasionally proceed with empty washes in the dishwasher for which you will use - rather than the normal detergent - some other cleansing ingredients that we generally have at home.

Before proceeding with an empty wash, and if it is only a superficial, routine cleaning, you can use a spray product which can be easily prepared at home. You will need:
- 250 ml of white vinegar
- 125 ml of demineralized water
- the juice of one lemon
Mix everything together in a spray bottle and use it to clean the inside of the washing machine. You can do this when you disassemble the crockery trolleys and pull out the filter. Even the filter, in fact, must be cleaned periodically and on this occasion, it is always good to take advantage of the fact that you have easy access to the internal walls of the appliance in order to wash them more thoroughly.
If, on the other hand, you want to carry out the empty washing (it is recommended to do this about once a month, but it also depends on how often the appliance is used), then you can use a different set of ingredients:
- A cup of vinegar: put a cup full of white vinegar on the top shelf and start the wash using the cycle which is longest and has the highest temperature that your appliance is programmed for.
- Alternatively (or even after using vinegar process), sprinkle the bottom of the dishwasher with 200 grams of baking soda and then start the empty wash at a high temperature.
A word of warning: Sometimes it is recommended to use table salt as an alternative for this type of maintenance wash. In fact, table salt contains sodium chloride (just like dishwasher salts), but other elements are often added to it. Therefore, it is advisable to only use a salt that is 100% sodium chloride, which due to its particle size and composition, will be suitable for cleaning this type of appliance.
Great job!