Table centrepieces for your Easter festivities: be inspired by lots of DIY ideas

When you set the table for some important occasion, you always work a little harder to decorate it in a special way. And a holiday like Easter requires exactly this extra care and attention. Among the elements that always help to make a table more attractive and memorable is the use of centerpieces, which can be made up of very different elements, objects and compositional themes.
You can use plants, recycle old items, sculpt ornaments of all kinds by hand: you just need to have the right idea that suits your skills, the materials available and the measurements of the table to be decorated. So, take a look at the ideas below to find the one that might be right for you:
If you can find colored marshmallows, perhaps in the shape of bunnies, you can use them as an original decoration in the space created between the walls of two glass vases of different sizes, one inserted inside the other.
And the same thing can be done with colored candies, or with colored polystyrene (and many other colorful, attractive objects that you would like to see "trapped" in the glass).
Why not combine marshmallows and candy?
If, on the other hand, you use a vase with a composition of artificial flowers and/or dry branches, then you can fill the bottom with many different objects: decorated eggs are always a great idea at Easter.
A wooden cake stand with several levels: each one hosting moss, colored eggs and candles. It's a simple, beautiful and useful decorative object and can easily be moved around the home.
If you have a wooden box, turn it into a container full of carrots, colored eggs and flowers ... even artificial ones!
A wooden tray (but also those made of ceramic or metal) can become a base to be filled with moss or lichen and in which Easter bunnies can be placed.
You could also create decorations that are reminiscent of the art of topiary, as if they are miniature shrubs, but full of colored eggs to be placed on the table (topiary is the horticultural practice of training perennial plants by clipping the foliage to create clearly defined shapes).
And how about creating an Easter-themed composition under a glass dome? You can use decorations in the shape of bunnies, but also nests with eggs and flowers. The base could be a rough wooden disc (perhaps cut directly from a tree trunk).
It would be nice to sculpt a large, artificial egg, partially cracked open so that flowering branches can be seen emerging from the opening.
And if you don't want to take up space on the table, but have a suitable chandelier above it, you could decorate it with flowering branches!
Happy Easter!