12 awesome, creative ideas for recycling used coffee capsules

Preparing coffee with coffee capsules is now a habit of many people around the world: it is an almost instant method of making coffee that saves time and also allows you to change the blend and flavors every time you want to make a coffee, since these are single-serving doses that do not force you to buy large quantities of each blend that you like.
Those who use capsules will definitely find themselves with many used ones to dispose of. But instead of throwing them away in the trash, you could also consider recycling them as material for creative DIY projects. The capsules themselves are very often colored with in beautiful shades, and with just a little bit of work, you can turn them into many different useful and decorative objects, like the ones you see below:
Glue two of them together, one on top of the other (bottoms together), and decorate the lower one with lots of flowers or other relief motifs (perhaps even with modeling pastes!). In this way, you will create some very cute candle holders.
Each individual capsule can become the petal of a pendant-style decoration, to be used to make a DIY necklace!
Or you can fold them into the shape of a triangle, and then decorate it with some jewel, charm or other object of your choice!
Even squashed paper thin, flattened capsules are cute as parts for creating a unique necklace.
Flowers created with coffee capsules can be used to decorate almost anything. For example, you can use an iron or copper wire wrapped around a large candle, with the flowers affixed to it at spaced intervals.
By learning to shape the malleable material of these capsules, you can give them many different shapes depending on whether you roll them, cut them, fold them, crush them, etc: combining the various shapes together, to create complex and incredible decorations which can be used almost anywhere!
And with each of these decorations you can adorn other objects, such as photo frames, or even stick them on one of the mirrors you have in your home.
And if you can make larger flowers, you could use them as a sculpture to display, or even put them on top of dry branches to create a bouquet that won't fade.
Each capsule becomes a different hour on the face in a creative wall clock made from an old vinyl record.
Prick the capsules with a darning pin and insert a bulb from a string of lights, like Christmas lights for example, into each capsule: this a very different idea for decorating with stringed lights.
There are a thousand ways to make puppets (or little toy figures) of all kinds, perhaps even following themes (for example, cops and robbers).
With the used capsules, you can create the body or clothes for toy figures, and for the head you can use large wooden beads. Let yourself be inspired by your imagination!
Have you ever creatively recycled used coffee capsules?