A blanket can become a pillow? Yes - just fold it properly

We use various throws and blankets throughout the year: they are a comfortable to cuddle under when we relax on the sofa, and they protect us from the cold in the house and inclement weather outside. Given this, we probably all have a supply of them in our closets, as well as all those that are already in use in the rooms of our house during the seasons of the year. And they are also objects that maybe we like to take with us in the car or when having a picnic outdoors, or relaxing on the balcony or eating out i the garden (when the weather allows us to spend more time outside).
Having a spare blanket can also be useful to use as a pillow for any occasion that arises calling for one. Creating a pillow from a blanket is very easy and only requires us to make a compact cylinder. Once done, we will have a comfortable support for our heads when we need it. Or maybe we discover we need an emergency lumbar/back pillow? Furthermore, folding blankets in this manner is useful when we have to put them away in some closet - in this format/shape, they take up a lot less room. Find out how to do this using the method shown in a viral TikTok video that we describe below:
via lenniamc /TikTok

To see the tutorial video showing all the steps in detail, click here.
Place the blanket on a flat surface (the sofa will do, too, or a table), but make sure that the two ends of the blanket are laying horizontally in front of you, and not along the straight sides. This way the other two vertices will be above and below. In short, it should be like you are looking at a rhombus rather than a rectangle.
Fold the top flap towards the center and then place the bottom flap over it. Thus the top and bottom side of the folded blanket will be in front of you and will be straight and parallel to each other on the other side. Turn the blanket over.
Then approach one of the tips and roll the blanket in the direction of the opposite tip. Eventually, the triangular blanket flap that remains will go into the pocket that is automatically created on the cylinder, and you will have your pillow that does not unwind, ready to use!
To see the tutorial video, click here.
It is a method that comes in handy with any throw, blanket, and maybe even with beach towels, which perhaps will be folded in half to become more of a "square" before being folded further as in the method just illustrated. So whenever you find an extra blanket close at hand but you don't have a pillow, you can still sit back and relax!