Construct a useful potting bench with a bit of creative recycling

Anyone who loves to take care of their greenery, whether it is on balcony or in a garden, certainly has a area where they keep the garde tools: pots to use for cuttings and repotting, fertilizers and numerous composts for all the various plants that need it. Generally, these areas are just they are simple tables, maybe even a bit old and a bit run down. Or maybe there isn't such an area at all.
These workbenches - properly called "potting benches" - are really useful and having one available and keeping all the tools tidy, makes it pleasant to do gardening chores - perhaps even listening to some music with a wireless speaker or a portable radio . Check out the DIY projects below to build a potting bench, and how to recycling old items too in its construction.
All you need is a bit of recycled or cheaply bought wood, and you can start construction. Basically, you need a large and sturdy work surface, to be added to perhaps with one or two shelves underneath it, and if possible, also some shelves (or a panel with hooks, for examples) above it.
If there is enough space, long and fairly wide tables can also be made, with another shelf (or two) underneath that runs parallel to the top shelf.
For a more compact, sturdy but economical potting bench, you can use hollow concrete bricks (breeze blocks) and two thick wooden boards.

Often, for this type of construction, wooden pallets are also used. They should still be in good condition, and disassembled, sanded and painted as desired.

There are many types of potting bench models that can be created, and even natural wood is used frequently and it very beautiful to look at. However, we must always remember to treat it with sealing and waterproofing products so that the wood does not deteriorate and rot quickly.
There is no shortage of style ideas, including those with a vintage charm, and using recycled wooden furniture. For example, a classic style drawing table/desk has been salvaged here and has an open shelving unit placed on top.
As for positioning, it is generally recommened to place potting benches against a wall of the house or the fence or a surrounding wall. But they can also function as an element used to augment an internal division in the garden.

Also, a nice idea is using an old window frame as a panel for the background for the potting bench.

And sinks are also useful - perhaps an old one in ceramic or even other more modern and lighter ones in metal. And remember, you will probably frequently need a tap or other water source nearby.
Old windows, doors or furniture such as antique cupboards and the like are often recycled items for these potting bench projects.

And if your potting bench is in a sunny spot, you might consider adding a canopy (depending on whether or not your model can support it). This way, a little light rain will not force you to go back indoors.
And what about a table that circles a tree trunk growing through it?
And if you have the chance, creating a potting bench as a small glass hut, is really a dream.
Would you like to construct a potting bench like any of these examples?