Marble effect kitchen shelves: Did you know you can create them with very little expense?

Marble is one of the most desired materials for kitchen finishes and surfaces: it is generally used for worktops, and gives the whole room a truly luxurious and very elegant look. However, it is also a rather expensive set-up that is not within everyone's financial reach.
However, if you do not want to give up the aesthetics of a white surface criss-crossed by the typical greyish veins typical of these claddings, you could follow an example that is popular on TikTok. This method comes from a user who has found a way to paint the kitchen countertops and make them look just like marble. The kitchen comes out completely revolutionized, and maybe you too will also want to repaint the countertops and other furniture units in your kitchen like this TikTok user demonstrates!

Video via @nopencilblog/TikTok
The TikTok user, aka Melissa Mondragon, shows in her video how she managed to renew the look of her kitchen starting from the kitchen countertops. To look at them, one would say that they were made of granite or some similar material, but thanks to the purchase of a special kit (which costs just over € 150 euros [$ 170 dollars]) - and which you can find here - she has managed to renew and change them beyond recognition.
The process is simple, but still requires some patience and attention.
You start by protecting all edges, any burners, etc that are in direct contact with the surface - in this example, a shelf - to be treated using painter's tape. The tape will protect all the areas where you do not want the paint. The shelf itself must also be perfectly clean and dry.
A white varnish base is then applied, which is uniformly spread and covering the entire surface. Once dry, Melissa painted some gray veins freehand (this is the hardest part) on the painted surface. When the veins are also perfectly dry it is time to cover all the work with a layer of epoxy resin, which will create a hard, smooth and transparent surface that protects the entire shelf and makes it suitable to be exposed to kitchen work.
It takes a minimum of skill in painting the veins, and for this it is not certain that this project is for everybody, but it could really be the type of project that revolutionizes your kitchen and without mind-boggling expenses! Would you like to try a DIY project like this?