Eliminate dust in your home with a scented, easy-to-make DIY spray

Dusting is certainly one of the household chores that we would most gladly forego, but from which we cannot escape for too long - and especially if someone in the house has respiratory problems. Even without such complications, breathing in dust that settles on all surfaces and that is kicked by our movements or by small air currents, is always something we should seek to avoid as much as possible as it can create all sorts of problems for our health.
Being able to use an effective vacuum cleaner (hoover) is always a great help, but sometimes there is no need to take it out if we have to deal with only a very small area, or it is an awkward spot that the hoover cannot reach. Then we need to resort to dust-catching cloths or microfibre cloths, and it could also help for us to use a spray that allows us to capture the dust more effectively. And you can prepare a spray like this in just a few steps at home:

What is needed:
- a 250 ml spray bottle
- 250 ml of distilled (or demineralized) water
- 1 tablespoon of Marseille soap flakes or two if you use the liquid
- 5-10 drops of tea tree essential oil (or another oil that you like, and which you will deodorize the room with)
How to make:
- If you use soap flakes, heat 100 ml of water in a saucepan over low heat, pour in the Castile / Marseille soap and stir to make the flakes dissolve completely. Then let it cool down completely.
- Pour all the water (or the remaining 150ml, in case you used some for the previous step) into the bottle.
- Add the dissolved or liquid soap and shake to mix well.
- Add the drops of essential oil and shake again.
Your spray is now ready! To use it you just have to spray it directly on the cloth with which you will dust, so as to moisten it and make sure that the dust adheres to it more effectively. By using diluted Castile soap, you can also use this solution on wooden furniture and on other surfaces too.
The antibacterial and antifungal properties of tea tree oil makes it very useful for these dust-cleaning activities. There are even those who use it without diluting it first, pouring a few drops on a cloth to be passed over the surfaces from which you want to eliminate dust mites (including mattresses!). It is then left to air dry for a couple of hours and finally vacuumed!
What's your favorite anti-dust solution?