DIY beaded bracelets: learn to create them by hand - it's quick and easy!

by Mark Bennett

March 06, 2022

DIY beaded bracelets: learn to create them by hand - it's quick and easy!

There are those who prefer to wear many colored bracelets; then there are those who instead prefer to wear just one that is subtle and discreet: everyone has their own tastes, or changes their look according to the occasions and their mood. The accessories we show off tell a little about us, and this is even more true if we have created them with our own hands. And we can choose the materials, colors and styles according to our tastes, and even these can change over time too.

It is therefore useful to know how to string bracelets for various occasions quickly and using just a few easy-to-find materials. And these bracelets can, for example, be used for a whole season, to commemorate a particular experience or event, to complete a casual look of some party, or even to give to one's loved ones. Using string, cords and beads of various sizes, shapes and materials, you can create many different types and styles, even by using a simple braid.

For the clasp you can use a button; to decorate, use beads of any shape and color you like; and for the main part of the bracelet, some cord, or even twine. The materials and finishes can change in a thousand different ways - the important thing is that the cord chosen is of the right size to pass through the holes of the button and through the inside of the beads.

Start by cutting long segments of cord, fold them in half and thread them through the holes in the button (which should therefore have 4 small holes). Then, on only one of these, make a small and tight knot just below the button, cutting off the remaining piece. At this point then, you will have remaining only 3 threads to weave with.

Then begin to work a normal braid, but before overlapping one thread to the other, insert a bead. By doing so you will have beads arranged alternately along the entire length of the bracelet, on a little herringbone. You can combine two threads of different colors, or create colored motifs with beads of different shades ... In short, once you get the hang of it you can go wild!


A similar method, which allows you to transform simple beaded bracelets into new more colorful and fun accessories, consists in joining two identical metal bracelets (or indeed, beads) with a thread that passes from one to the other, weaving them together.

And returning instead to the braid method, if you want to use larger beads, just insert one and slide it to the center before moving on to knitting the next strand.

Have you ever created bracelets like these before?
