Time to clean the computer keyboard? Discover the best ways to keep it in top condition at all times

Nowadays there are many reasons why, daily, we find ourselves typing something on our computers. For work or leisure, in fact, PCs or laptops, but also tablets with their keyboards, are tools of daily use that are used all the time. And even when we are careful not to get dirt and crumbs of food on the keyboard, it is inevitable that it will get dirty over time.
Grease and oil on the fingers, dust and a myriad of small specks of debris settle on the keys and, above all, between the keys, and within a few weeks, we start to see accumulations of dirt, and we do not see the dirt which may be accumulating under the keys and out of sight. As a matter of hygiene, therefore, but also for the continued correct functioning of keyboards, it is recommended to periodically remember to clean them, and there are various methods suitable for doing this.

Useful tools for cleaning the keyboard:
When there is a need to remove the dirt that lurks between the keys and under them, it is best not to try to lift them (unless you are sure you know how to put them back), but it is preferable to resort to using some specific tools.
- Modeling gel: this is a kind of modeling and adhesive paste with a smooth consistency, like a solid gel. You need to work it a little with your hands to soften it and then spread it on the keyboard (with the computer switched off) by pressing it so that it reaches, as much as possible, the gaps between the keys. The gel can be used several times until it becomes dark, and then must be changed for a fresh piece. Keyboards should never come into contact with water.
- Compressed air cleaners: these are like small guns designed to remove dirt from cracks that are difficult to reach by hand, by blowing it away. Like the gel mentioned above, they are also used for fans and the ventilation grids. If you don't want to use electric ones, you can use manual air pumps, even cheaper ones will do.
- Kits with brushes and pipe-cleaners for cleaning keyboards (and fans): there are kits that provide brushes with bristles of all shapes and sizes to reach all the gaps. Used together with air systems, they guarantee excellent results.
- Mini vacuum cleaners: online and in electronics stores you can also find small vacuum cleaners, and they are more delicate than compressed air cleaners. They are very useful to suck up dust and crumbs. Often, they are powered with USB cables that connect directly to the computer.
What if you want to "wash" away the greasy dirt and dark spots? To do this, you will need a keyboard cleaner. You can find this product on the market, or prepare it at home. We will tell you how to do this, but always remember to spray these products on the cloths or tools you want to use to clean, and not directly on the keyboard.
Do-it-yourself cleaner
What you need:
- Denatured alcohol
- Microfiber cloth
- Cotton-swab - or, if you want a greener alternative, a cloth handkerchief to wrap around a brush (make-up brushes are fine too)
- toothpick
How to proceed:
- Spray the alcohol on a corner of the microfiber cloth, without wetting it too much: it only needs to be moistened and not dripping wet. Pass it gently over all the surface area you can reach.
- For the most difficult to reach parts, just moisten a cotton swab (or a handkerchief on a brush) with alcohol. It should not be dripping wet, but should only be slightly damp, and pass it into and over the gaps.
- You can also use a tissue on the toothpick. You can use these to reach any dirt deposits that you cannot remove just by rubbing with alcohol.
- Then wipe the cleaned surfaces dry part by using a clean, dry microfiber cloth.
Always wait at least ten minutes before turning the keyboard back on, and above all, always make sure that the alcohol does not drip down between the keys.
Great job!