Do you want to iron impeccably? Here's some useful advice

Ironing the laundry is one of the worst chores of the household, that we would gladly put off but which is really unavoidable. Although there are many different tricks to avoid turning on the iron for every single garment we wash, there are some items that cannot remain wrinkle-free without ironing - and there are some fabrics that seem to get covered with wrinkles in an almost magical way.
So it is good to roll up your sleeves at those times when we simply cannot avoid ironing and do our best, so that the results are worth all our effort.

Make sure that the iron is perfectly clean: using the steam sometimes creates limescale drippings, as well as the products sprayed on like starch or perfume for the garments, so periodically make sure to clean the underside of the iron well, and in the most serious cases, consider to replacing it. Check that there is enough water in the tank to use the steam function. Always make sure that the garments you are about to iron can be ironed: if the labels do not indicate this, then you will have to determine what materials they are made from. Especially with the most delicate items, always iron them inside out. Make sure you iron the garments at the right temperature, which you choose with the control on the iron itself.
- Start with fabrics that require a lower temperature and gradually move on to the others, so you do not risk damaging any of them, or you will have to wait for the iron to cool down to the right point from time to time.
- When placing each garment on the board, spread it out well with your hands so as to smooth out the wrinkles and not run the risk of passing over them with the iron - which would make them more noticeable.
- The board you are ironing on should always be lined with a padded or quilted fabric that absorbs heat without damaging the surface underneath or overheating the fabric. If you are not using a proper ironing board, arrange suitable mats onthe top of tables or shelves.
- Fabrics are ironed when they are still damp, so if you have removed them too late from the clothes line or if they come out of the dryer very dry, spray a little water (preferably demineralized or distilled) on the fabric before ironing. You could also use this step to perfume clothes with a homemade perfume. But be careful - there are some garments that must be ironed when they are perfectly dry, because ironing them damp will create visible stained spots.
- When you pass the iron over the garments, do not use circular movements but always linear and without passing over the same point. Move constantly and at the right speed to avoid unpleasant accidents, such as burning of the fabric. Furthermore, ironing along the length of the garment avoids stretching the fibers.
- The order that it is recommended for ironing shirts: collar, cuffs, sleeves, shoulders and then front and back. And as regards to particular areas with double fabric (collar, cuffs and shoulders), first iron from the inside and then go a quick pass on the front.
Above all, make your ironing time fun: set up your radio, favorite music playlists or even fun or interesting podcasts to listen to while you work!
Good luck!