Make strong odors disappear from the kitchen with a few, simple home remedies

There are dishes that inevitably, while they are being cooked, spread a very strong smell in the kitchen, which the room or perhaps the whole house can become impregnated with. And sometimes keeping the cooker hood extractor fan on or a window open can't completely dissipate the smell - especially when we have fried something or cooked fish or certain types of meat.
Sooner or later the smell goes away, but if we want to eliminate it quickly and maybe even deodorize the environment, we can resort to some simple home-grown methods. You will need a glass, or glass jar (or even some glass or ceramic bowls) and a few ingredients that we generally have in the kitchen.

Peels and slices of citrus fruits
A convenient method to try, which takes a while to work but then spreads a very pleasant smell in the kitchen, is to fill a saucepan with water and then put slices of citrus or citrus peels in it. All you have to do is then is pour everything into a jar (or other glass or ceramic container) and place it on the stove - preferably when it is still hot, and maybe even activate the hood immediately after you have finished cooking. Also in this case, you can use the method even more effectively by adding a few drops of essential oil to the jar. Alternatively, while the infusion is heating up on the flames, you can also add sprigs of rosemary, or some other spice or aromatic herb that you may have at home.
Using bicarbonate of soda
Baking soda can absorb many smells, so it can be used while you are cooking, keeping it on the side of the stove, and then used when the cooking is finished. It can be used in the oven after cooking, but ensuring the door open is open. However, to get a more immediate effect, it is better to drop a couple of drops of essential oil into the baking soda, which will remain in the powder to deodorize the room for a long time.
One of the best known and most trusted tricks is that which involves pouring vinegar into the emptied pots or pans of the dishes when they are still warm. However, given that once vinegar is heated it is even more corrosive than it normally is, so it is better to always dilute it with a little water. The sour smell of vinegar will then disappear in a short time.