Discover the three basic habits of those who manage to keep their homes in order

We all appreciate a clean, fragrant room where everything is in its place: it's nice to enter these environments, but also to live and work in them. It is a pity that at home it is not always so easy to maintain such a level of order, especially when one is overwhelmed by work pressures, in addition to which there are also many different household and family tasks to take care of daily.
However, there are those who know how to juggle all these competing pressures, and generally succeed by adopting daily behaviors and habits that help to keep the advance of chaos at bay.

Daily routine for faster cleaning
It is true that you can postpone some cleaning to the weekend, but sometimes the things to do accumulate so much that you then lose an entire day catching up rather than spending it doing something else instead. So, it is good not to let a series of smaller tasks accumulate too much.
- Clear the plates after each meal.
- Immediately return to its original place any object that you find out of place (such as the plates of a dinner eaten in front of the sofa, or utensils used in some room that must be returned to their respective drawers, etc.).
- Don't go to bed with a stack of dishes still in the sink.
- Vacuum or quickly mop the floor every day, perhaps choosing a different room for every day of the week.
- Clean off the kitchen work surfaces after preparing the dishes.
There are also areas that must be designated as "no-go areas": for example, make a rule that no one can place objects on the table in the living room, or on the steps of the stairs, and so on.
Manage incoming mail
We don't always notice it, but the speed with which piles of envelopes, catalogs and various documents that arrive in the mail is impressive. Thus, it is advisable to create a post station at the entrance: they can be drawers of a piece of furniture at the entrance, pockets or bulletin boards hanging on the wall, baskets arranged on some shelf... The solutions are many, and quickly help to sort out the things we need to keep. The rest can go straight into the trash immediately.
Efficiently manage dirty clothes and those still being worn
A well-organized home always has a great laundry management system. You don't necessarily need a room to be used as a laundry, but it is certainly essential to have baskets to distinguish types of laundry. Organising in this way will prevent the creation of huge mountains of laundry which we then have to rummage through to find what we need.
And what to do with clothes that we have worn but are not yet dirty? Instead of draping them over the proverbial chair, put up as many hooks, shelves or hangers of the "stender" type, (those with metal bars and wheels that are used in shops and which are now found in many walk-in closets) that you need to accomodate these clothes. Sometimes these stender hangers also come with a shelf for storing shoes and folded clothes. This is very useful, allowing us to take items when they are needed and without having to open the closet doors or rummage through random pile of clothes.
What tips and tricks do you use to keep your house tidy?